Thriving Through Transition: Leading and Supporting Change

We know that change can be hard. For some organizations, change may be part of the culture, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy on employees. Creating an environment where employees feel supported can help employees navigate change more easily.  In a recent study by the American Psychology Association, 9 out of 10 employees said they … Read more

Following California to Keep Our Teams Safe

Senseless violent tragedies in schools and workplaces across America weigh heavily on our minds. Workplace violence is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injuries in the United States, affecting nearly 2 million American workers each year.  In 2021, there were 761 employee fatalities resulting from workplace violence incidents. In fact, as of July, California … Read more

Why Should You Care?

Is there a workplace reason to pay attention to mental health? The answer is a resounding YES! If you have not personally experienced a mental health struggle at some point, you probably love someone who has. From a compassionate angle, this is an important topic to all of us because we care about our family … Read more

Missing The Water Cooler?

Recently, I worked with a client who wanted to build a personal Teams channel for employees. Gasp! As a seasoned Organizational Development professional, the risk of inappropriate use sent me into shock. The client shared they missed the proverbial water cooler vibe they had pre-pandemic and were looking for an alternative to spur personal connections … Read more